Tech Scouting

Gain access to the most advanced technology companies in the world!

Tech Scouting from TeckSquare gets you access to the hottest Israeli technology, so you can stay ahead of the competition. The edge you need to get ahead!

At TeckSquare, we find the best technology companies and showcase them to you through reports, events, and consulting engagements.

It’s our Tech Scouting service and we’d love to show you what we can do. 

Israel is THE marketplace for new technology

For too long, companies worldwide have looked to Silicon Valley for the best solutions to an ever-growing need for technology. 

With so much attention on the US market, deals have gotten costlier, competition is through the roof, and supply is harder and harder to come by. 

For these reasons and others, companies are now looking for the next great area of opportunity. 

They’re looking to Israel.

At TeckSquare, we provide ongoing, tailored reporting on Israeli tech companies, identifying the hottest new technology and solutions that match your company’s needs.

Your representative in the market.

In-Country Support
We’re your “eyes and ears” on the ground in Israel. Managing existing and new relationships across the ecosystem – from vendors to VCs, universities to government entities.
Demo Days
We curate and coordinate Demo Days that showcase nascent technologies and entrepreneurs behind Israel’s most promising innovations. Guided by your needs, we scout for technologies that solve pressing pain points or strategic opportunities.
Data Science
We work on a project basis with companies looking to partner with leading Israeli data science teams to accelerate their digital strategy and deployment.
We know the market
We’re on the ground identifying Israeli technological research, new products and investment opportunities every day.

With over 35 years of experience in technology and sales,
the team at Tecksquare is your perfect Tech Scouting partner!

Nothing excites us more then seeing a perfect match!